Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cats and dogs.

Dogs. Dogs love to please. Dogs are obedient when trained. Dogs are territorial. Dogs protect. Dogs are hard headed at times. Dogs will leave you and not come back. Dogs make messes and dont clean up after themselves. Dogs make babies, and dont have to be in love to do it, they dont plan for the future and want a family. They just sniff, observe and go for it, and walk away like nothing ever happened. Cats. Cats are delicate. Cats can adapt to any situation. Cats only trust those with whom trust has been built, but to build trust you must feed them regularly, treat them kindly, and show them lots of attention. Cats love to be around their owner, love the feel and touch. Cats are stubborn, they do not like everyone, most cats dont like to be around other cats, they feel they cant be trusted. Men have been compared to dogs for ages, women have been compared to cats for ages as well. But you will hear a cat call a man a dog before you ever hear a dog call a woman a cat. All because of love. For years, people have been trying to create a love more than just a word and a definition in a dictionary. Somewhere along the lines, the "love" taps in elementary school and the "do you like me? circle yes or no" notes in middle school have blossomed into long emotional rollercoaster rides, and sleepless nights and wet pillows. You meet a man or a woman and everybody knows now that the first year or less than a year is a "soft" period...that person is the sweetest person you've ever met, but after things have gotten comfortable, and you can eat in front of them or even fart around them, or ask them anything and they'll tell you the truth, things start taking a turn. There are no more "good mornings" and there are no more daily text messages or calls just to say "hello" suddenly the person you used to spend everyday with is now the busiest person in the world, and you once felt like their partner in life but now you feel like a groupie or a fan just trying to get through. Trying to get more than a voicemail or an empty response to your 12 text messages. And once you finally get through, sometimes you dont even care to know what was going on, or where they've been, you just want to talk and if you do care and you speak about it. You would think you said something outrageous, because now words are being thrown and what you did 10 years ago is "popping up". Every woman wants a good man, and most men want a good woman that will understand he has "friends"...the world has become so twisted, icons on television brag and boast about the cars they drive, and the women they get, so thats all that there is to see, when you dont have anyone to look up to. Most men want to do what they want to do, and want you to be ok with it, and then again so do most women. But every now and then, you get a good woman who only wants a good man. In order to walk you have to crawl, which is why most good women fall for the "bad" men. As you see I said fall. In order to stand on your own two feet, you have to know what its like to fall and get back up. In order to have a good man, you have to know what a bad man feels like. It would be so much better, if you could give someone your heart and your everything and when you see they dont want it, you could just ask for a "heart" refund, throw away the receipt and be on your way. But it isnt that simple, you've got to pick the pieces up yourself, dry your eyes, deal with the memories, maybe have a drink and move on. But at some point or another, you have to stop making the same mistake over and over agian. So many women fall for the pupppy dog eyes, and curled lips, and the soft tone of his voice and it makes you remember the good times and you think there is still hope. But an old dog will only practice new tricks for but so long. Ladies, stop fallling in the same holes, if it almost killed you the last time you got out of that hole, then acknowledge that you got out and go another way. You wait up all night or all day for a message just to know he's ok and know what he's doing... or you lay in a bed and wait for a man to come and place his body in it, after its been all over the next females. You may as well call her and ask her to come over also. You may as well as kiss her also, you may as well go out to eat with her too. Youre doing it anyway. Stop bein dumb, he doesnt want you!!! He doesnt have what it takes to be a real man. Let go and Let God, God is the only one who can have that same man at your doorstep callin out your name missing what you had. All dogs run away, but they always come back and that cycle will continue to be repeated as long as you let it. Women who have been hurt so much have even tried to learn "tricks". Put up steel walls, with small windows to talk through so that nothing is penetrated. You dont give your all to a man, you give 50% and make him think its your best because of what one or two or even five men have done to you. So your heart has been broken, if youre still alive, go get your nails done, go to a movie and start over, you miss out on a good blessing because of an old curse...dont let your past dictate your future. Love hard, because you never know when God feels youre ready...he may be right in front of your eyes, he may be a contact in your phone, you never know. Women will not be able to be fully loved until you realize that you dont need a man for anything, until you accept God as the head of your life, you will only be a door mat. You teach people how to treat you, if you dont say anything then youre ok with it. He thinks. He wants to think. If you say somethng, and he gets loud, then just as you train a dog, you walk away and show him loud barking is unaccceptable. When it comes time for a man to take responsibilty, he tucks his tail and hides, and sometimes he just barks and barks and barks some more, because he isnt a real man. A man will act a donkey, if you let him. When a dog sees that what he used to do would always get him a treat, when he doesnt get the treat anymore, his technique is now compromised and he striaghtens up. Women have to be powerful, yet submissive. Women hold so much power. Use it! You have nothing to lose! Sometimes the best way to get over a man, is a new one. Dont cry over spilled milk, walmart sells gallons for less than 4 dollars... and the best way to find a man, is to look for something else. You ever notice how you can lose your keys but you go looking for the phone and you find your works. No one can love you until you can love yourself...Chase Mychals out!